Man, I felt all of this. I’m looking forward to your book! Blessings on your new home. May it be full of enduring and fecund love.

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Hi Matt: Thanks for the honest, lyrical and bittersweet reflection on your "between times." As I don't need to tell you, none of it was wasted or without value. The trees we plant are always, ultimately, for someone else. You told the story of how you learned, grew and struggled with the place and that's accomplishment enough. (Can't wait to read your book!) I've been in my old southerm Michigan farmhouse on four country acres since 1995. Like you, I've written about where I live (I tell my friends it's a "word farm") and its yielded two books of essays. But now? I've said about all I can say about my home ground. Lately, I've been writing about the natural world as I find it elsewhere, even if I'm not the star of the show! Plus, as Douglas Tallamy makes clear, you can make a "homegrown national park" on a 1/2 acre lot, and come spring, I imagine you'l tuck something in the ground no matter where you land. An essayist's' writing life is a moveable feast and you'll surely find something new to chew on.

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